Telemedicine Near Me: What Are My Options for Remote Healthcare?
Telemedicine is a growing practice, both out of necessity during the pandemic and out of a consumer desire for convenience. With telemedicine, patients can privately consult with a medical doctor or mental health counselor from the comfort of their own home. Visits are confidential, and because space is not an issue, doctors can serve more patients and patients can access services at their convenience.


not all medical and mental health providers are offering televisits yet. You might be wondering: Where can I find telemedicine near me?

HealthSapiens Medical (Free Trial)

HealthSapiens offers virtual doctor visits on demand with either phone or video visits. It follows a subscription-based service that offers you unlimited access to licensed doctors across the country.

You can connect with a doctor from anywhere, even on vacation, from any internet-connected device. There’s no co-pays or deductibles to meet, plus they can prescribe you medications and refills on the spot.

HealthSapiens Medical (No Trial)

If you already see the value in having an on-demand doctor service, you can skip the trial and get connected with a doctor in as little as 15 minutes. HealthSapiens Medical offers private visits wtih a doctor via phone or video 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days per year.

They will send any prescriptions to your local pharmacy. It’s the best value if you do not have insurance or have a high deductible that results in costly visits paid out of pocket.

HealthSapiens counseling

If there’s one area of health that’s gotten a lot of attention during the pandemic, it’s the ability to remotely consult with a mental health professional. Many of the stigmas surrounding counseling disappear when remote options are offered.

You can speak with a counselor without leaving your home and without the risk that someone might see you or learn you are receiving help with your mental well-being.
Telemedicine is the next generation of healthcare, and it’s changing how we access the care we need when it’s most convenient. Try these options today and start making your health a priority!